Top Questions to Ask When Seeking a Charity to Invest in.


Communicate Their Mission

Communication is key. If the organization has difficulty expressing the works it seeks to achieve, look closer and see the truth. Expressing the core values that the charity seeks to achieve is one thing, and following through is another. Measurements and metrics about success rates are hard to express when clear guidelines are not established.

Long and Short Term Goals

Goals that are clearly articulated can measure success. Those without quantifiable goals have trouble. The charity of your choice should have quantifiable and measurable goals clearly stated and readily available.

Road Maps & “You are Here”

The goal is established, the way is planned. Where are they in the process? A clear road map of goals and milestones with established set points are valuable. They show you how close the group is to making the goals it has set.

Sounds good to you…

Do you believe in the cause? Does the plan of action make sense to you, and are you comfortable with the ways that the charity operates and functions? Make sure you see clearly the methods that the charity is using to accomplish its goals. If you are compatible with those core beliefs, that is good. If not, move on.

Can you trust them?

Don’t blindly trust. If you have doubts, check the IRS or state attorney. You can contact the leader of the group and ask the questions. Annual reports are often available. It is well within your rights to ask these kinds of questions to build trust in the charity before you donate.

It is worth a long term relationship?

Ask yourself if you would like to be in a committed relationship with this charity. Decide if you think you could provide continued support as the charity stays the course delivering on its promise to help the cause. If you agree with the charity’s philosophy and want to partner with them to achieve their goals, then it could be a good long-term fit for you.